The weather is picking up and we are all hopefully looking forward to a few days of escape and relaxation so I’ve decided to take a few weekend breaks in the UK this month and make the most of my little Figaro car which is 30 years old this year🥳. I’ve had it for 16 years, it’s never let me down and is a much loved weakness of mine. If a car can give you happiness than this one definitely does !!
When faced recently with the decision by my local garage to either get rid of it, maybe the more practical one, or to spend money on it to keep it on the road, I felt very torn!! 😩
Driving it recently down to Kent for a day out with the roof down and the wind in my hair still deciding what to do, I heard my Mum’s voice in my ears saying💕
‘If it makes you happy keep it and enjoy it’ so that is what I’ve decided to do!
Sometimes the best decisions in life are not always practical but they may just be the best ones for your happiness and I think on this occasion I’ve made the right one.

The other big decision for me is to start a regular ASK ANNIE news blog where I will be sharing useful tips and tricks to do with your jewellery.
We will be asking why does my jewellery tarnish so easily?
What can I do when it is really tarnished?
What is the best jewellery gift to buy someone ?
How do you find out a ring size for a surprise gift?
What do the 4Cs in diamond buying mean and is certification worth it?
…and much much more
Also there will be chance for you to ask me any questions or queries you may have and maybe I’ll even do a blog on them. If you’d like to be part of this Artgems chat, sign up to my newsletter here
Hope to see you there X
Hi Annie, nice blog post! Where did you get your lovely car from? Deb x
Hi Deb
It was an impulse buy about 16 years ago from a little garage down in Hove, Brighton. Its going in for a little TlC next week. x
Hi Annie,
Just wondering if you could make some cufflinks from an old pair of amethysts I have?
Many thanks,
Hi Ben
Absolutely I can. Could you email me a photo of the cufflinks and I will get back to you.
many thanks